Welcome to my Website

I am a master student in economics and research assistant at the Institute of Information Systems of the University Bern. My main interests are in innovation and digital transformation. Currently, I am working on the implementation of fair and participative shift planning systems in the healthcare sector (project website).

Previously, I worked on the future potential of the digital publication of legal content (digitallaw.unibe.ch and itandlaw.unibe.ch).


Research Assistant 2020 - present

During numerous interdisciplinary projects, I worked on topics including the digital publication of legal content among others. Visit the blog page for further information about the projects.

BSc & MSc Student 2018 - present

I completed my BSc in econmics with minors in information systems and computer science. Currently, I am finishing my MSc in Economics with a focus on microeconomics and econometrics.

Intern 2017 - 2020

During three stints with Enotrac AG i worked on projects about knowledge management and process redesign. Additionally, I drew on electric diagrams for the modernization projects of the IC2000 and Re460 for the Swiss Federal Railways.

Student 2013 - 2017

I attended the Gymnasium Neufeuld with a primary focus on physics and applied mathematics and a secondary focus on history.

Software and Programming

r RStudio SPSS Matlab STATA

Further, I used SPSS Amos and SmartPLS for structural equation modelling.